Nine Emotions of Indian Cinema Hoardings, The
MP - Hardback
M.P. Dhakshna is among the most talented of the newest generation of hoardings artists. He is renowned for his pioneering use of colour. He works out of his own studio in Chennai, assisted by several other artists. His collaborators in The 9 Emotions project were Ragunathan, Balu and Chandrakanthan. V. Geetha is a writer, translator, social historian, activist and freelance editor with a number of small research journals. A leading intellectual from Tamil Nadu, she has been active in the Indian women's movement since 1988, organising workshops and conferences. She has written widely, both in Tamil and English, on gender, popular culture, caste, and politics of Tamil Nadu. Sirish Rao is one of the most exciting new voices in contemporary Indian writing. He has authored 16 books, ranging from novels and children's books to re-tellings of myths, and collections of pop art; several have won international awards. His writing reflects his interests.