Mowafa Househ Editor & Author

Mowafa Househ is an Assistant Professor and former Research Director at the College of Public Health and Health Informatics, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, National Guard Health Affairs, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dr. Househ is also an adjunct professor at the University Of Victoria, School of Health Information Science, BC, Canada and is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries. Dr. Househ’s primary research interests are on the use of information and communication technologies to empower patients and clinicians. His doctoral work focused on the empowerment of pharmacists, physicians, and academics in the use of collaborative technologies to facilitate knowledge translation research. His current work revolves on empowering patients through the use of social media, mobile health, and personal health records. Dr. Househ is a respected and published author within health informatics community. He has published in leading health informatics journals such as the International Journal of Medical Informatics, The Yearbook of Medical Informatics, and Applied Clinical Informatics.

Elizabeth Borycki, RN, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the School of Health Information Science and an Adjunct in Nursing at the University of Victoria, Canada. Elizabeth is a health informatics expert who conducts research in the areas of clinical informatics, patient safety, quality improvement, and organizational behaviour and change management involving Health Information Technology (HIT). Elizabeth employs qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches in her study of the effects of HIT upon patients, caregivers, and clinicians (e.g. physicians, nurses). She has represented Canada (as academic representative) and North America (member of the board of directors) to the International Medical Informatics Association, and her work is known internationally.

Andre Kushniruk is a Professor at the School of Health Information Science at the University of Victoria in Canada. Dr. Kushniruk conducts research in a number of areas including evaluation of the effects of technology, human-computer interaction in healthcare and other domains, as well as cognitive science. His work is known internationally, and he has published widely in the area of health informatics. Dr. Kushniruk has held academic positions at a number of Canadian universities and worked with major hospitals in both Canada, the United States, and internationally. He holds undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Biology, as well as a MSc in Computer Science from McMaster University and a PhD in Cognitive Psychology from McGill University.