Respiratory Diseases
Mostafa Ghanei - Hardback
Professor Mostafa Ghanei, MD, has been practicing as a pulmonologist since 1997. He is now Vice Chancellor in Research of Ministry of Health of Iran and Head of Research Center of Chemical Injuries, Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University. Additionally, he is a member of the European Respiratory Society, Iranian Lung Society, Iranian Executive Board of Lung Society, National Board Exam in Respiratory Medicine, American College of Chest Physicians, and American Thoracic Society. From 2005-15, Dr. Ghanei produced 144 documents including articles, books, editorial, letters and reviews. He has published the majority of his work (50%) in the Medicine category. He has 1,551 citations and has experience with international, national and institutional collaboration with more than 150 colleagues. He holds an h-index of 22. From 2005-15, Dr. Harandi produced 38 documents including articles, editorials, letters and reviews. This will be his first book. He published the majority of his work (54%) in the Medicine category. He has 347 citations and has experience with international, national and institutional collaboration with 105 colleagues. He holds an h-index of 9.