Morten Clemetsen Editor

Karsten Jørgensen is a Professor of Landscape Architecture at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) institution. He was the founding editor of JoLA, the Journal of Landscape Architecture,in 2006–2015. His research field is contemporary history of landscape architecture.

Morten Clemetsen is a landscape architect with a PhD in rural landscape planning. He has practised as consultant in the field of landscape assessments, management and community development. He has been Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) since 2002.

Kine Halvorsen Thorén is Professor of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Thorén’s research concentrates on sustainable urban development, children and outdoor space, planning processes and methods for planning, landscape assessment and landscape values for recreation.

Tim Richardson is Professor of Urban Planning at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and Guest Professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. His research explores the theory and practice of spatial planning, at different spatial scales and in varied international contexts.