Monika Grubbauer Author & Editor

Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer, Chair in History and Theory of the City explores the historical development of cities and urban societies and the related economic, social and cultural processes of urban transformation from an interdisciplinary and international perspective and with a special focus on the role of urban design and planning in these processes. Kate Shaw is an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow in Urban Geography and Planning. She is currently completing a book entitled The Squander and Salvage of Urban Waterfronts. Before accepting the Future Fellowship Kate was a research fellow on an ARC discovery project in the Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning at Melbourne University titled Planning the 'creative city': reconciling global strategies with local subcultures (2009-2012). Before this, she was research associate on an ARC linkage project titled Transnational and Temporary: students, community and place-making in central Melbourne (2005-2008). Prior to becoming research-only, Kate taught planning law, statutory planning and urban design, and ran classes on political economy, gentrification and the cultures of cities. She has received several awards for publications in these areas and is regularly invited to advise city councils and local campaigns on matters of planning and policy.