Handbook of Australian School Psychology
2 contributors - Hardback
Dr Monica Thielking worked for over ten years in Melbourne secondary schools as a youth worker, careers counsellor and school psychologist. In 2006, after completing her Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology focusing on the role of school psychologists, she accepted the position as the Australian Psychological Society’s National Advisor to Psychologists in Schools where she provided professional guidance, led advocacy campaigns, developed landmark resources, Chaired the APS National School Psychology Reference Group, and founded and convened the APS Psychologists in Schools Interest Group. Dr Thielking’s appointment at Swinburne University of Technology in 2010 facilitated her research and teaching on issues around school psychology, youth homelessness, student equity and ethical psychological practice. In 2015, Dr Thielking was appointed the Director of Postgraduate Studies in the Department of Psychological Sciences and convenes a unit on ethical and professional psychological practice. Dr Thielking’s work has had significant impact on government policy, service delivery and school psychology practice and she regularly presents at national and international conferences. Dr Thielking currently holds the position as Program Chair of the Division 52 (International Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. She is also a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools.
Dr Mark Terjesen is Associate Professor of Psychology at St. John’s University and program director of the School Psychology (PsyD and MS) programs. He earned his PhD in Clinical and School Psychology from Hofstra University. Dr Terjesen has presented at a number of national and international conferences on topics that include matters related to REBT, the assessment and treatment of ADHD, professional school psychology issues, as well as cultural concerns. Dr. Terjesen has trained many professionals internationally in school psychology and the use of cognitive behavioral practices with children and families. Dr Terjesen has served as President of the School Division of the New York State Psychological Association as the President of the Trainers of School Psychologists, the largest national training organisation for school psychology faculty members, and is a Past President of the Division 52 (International Psychology) of the American Psychological Association of which he is also a Fellow.