At Penpoint
Monica Popescu - Hardback
Kerry Bystrom is an Associate Professor of English and Human Rights and Associate Dean of the College at Bard College Berlin, A Liberal Arts University. Previous publications include Democracy at Home in South Africa: Family Fictions and Transitional Culture (2016).
Monica Popescu is an Associate Professor of English and William Dawson Scholar of African Literatures at McGill University. She is the author of South African Literature Beyond the Cold War (which won the 2012 Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities) and At Penpoint: African Literatures, Postcolonial Studies and the Cold War (2020).
Katherine Zien is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at McGill University. Zien’s 2017 book is Sovereign Acts: Performing Race, Space, and Belonging in Panamaand the Canal Zone. Her current project, supported by Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, explores militarization and performance in Latin America’s Cold War.