Monica Ittusardjuat Author

Monica Ittusardjuat is a residential school survivor who grew up in a time when Inuit lived a subsistence way of life, moving camps and following animals where they were plentiful. Monica has thirty years of experience in education and language studies. She has taught in elementary and high schools, as well as in the Teacher Education Program at Nunavut Arctic College. She also worked at the National Inuit Organization for the unification of the Inuktut writing system. After trying to retire, Monica started a new career as a Senior Inuktitut Editor, which she says is her “dream job”. Yong Ling Kang is an illustrator and avid comic book reader living in Toronto. She is inspired by simple, day-to-day experiences and her nostalgia of childhood. She suspects that her fondness of drawing may be caused by watching too many cartoons. Raised in tropical Singapore, she enjoys slow water sports and spicy food.