Mona L Russell Author

Lisa Pollard is Professor Emerita of History at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington. She is co-editor of Families of a New World (2001) and author of Nurturing the Nation: The Family Politics of Modernizing, Colonizing and Liberating Egypt (2005). Additional publications include “From Husbands and Housewives to Suckers and Whores: Marital-Political Anxieties in the ‘House of Egypt’” (2010) and “Teaching Muslim Women’s History between Timeless-ness and Change: 18 Parts of Desire” (2014).

Mona L. Russell is an Associate Professor of History at East Carolina University. She is the author of Creating the New Egyptian Woman: Consumerism, Education, and National Identity, 1863-1922 (2004) and Egypt: Middle East in Focus (2013). She has published widely on gender, education and consumerism, most recently, “The New Woman, Her New Clothes, and Her Education: Missionary Encounters and Consuming the Exotic” (2021) and “Beauty Standards in Egypt: Popular Consumer Culture and the Representation of Women” (2021).