Molly Harrod Author

Molly Harrod, PhD, is a trained Medical Anthropologist with the VA Ann Arbor Health Services Research & Development, Center for Clinical Management Research. She has been involved in numerous qualitative and mixed methods studies focusing on such topics as health care provider communication, behavior, and decision making, perceptions of risk, patient safety and implementation evaluation. In addition, she has trained other health researchers in qualitative methods including semi-structured interviewing and the use of observation in research. Sanjay Saint, MD, MPH, is the Chief of Medicine at the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System and the George Dock Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan. His research focuses on enhancing patient safety, medical decision-making, and hospital medicine. Robert W. Stock is a freelance book and magazine writer. As an editor, writer, and columnist for The New York Times for three decades, and as a freelancer, he has frequently written about medical subjects, ranging from amniocentesis to genetic counseling to public health.