Molly F Collins Author

Molly F. Collins, EdD, is associate professor of the practice of literacy in the Department of Teaching and Learning at Vanderbilt University. Her research examines language and literacy development in young children with specific attention to quality features in educational contexts. Current projects focus on monolingual and multilingual preschoolers’ vocabulary acquisition and inferential thinking in storybook reading and on professional learning collaborations with teachers of linguistically diverse children in national and international settings. Previously, Molly taught toddlers and preschoolers, and she was president of the Literacy Development in Young Children group within the International Reading Association (currently the International Literacy Association).

Judith A. Schickedanz , PhD, professor emerita at Boston University, taught courses in child development, early literacy, and curriculum and instruction; served as director of the laboratory preschool; coordinated the early childhood program; and helped launch the Jumpstart volunteer program. She taught preschool and has worked extensively with early childhood teachers on funded projects, including Early Reading First. Judy has authored numerous articles, book chapters, and books, including “For Young Children, Pictures in Storybooks Are Rarely Worth a Thousand Words” (The Reading Teacher, 2012); Increasing the Power of Instruction (NAEYC, 2008); Writing in Preschool (International Reading Association, 2009); and Understanding Children and Adolescents (Allyn & Bacon, 2000).