Mohd Kamran Khan Editor

Dr. Mohd. Kamran Khan is presently working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Selcuk University, Turkey. He obtained his PhD in Biotechnology from Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad, India. Dr. Khan has around fourteen years of research experience in the area of molecular biology and plant biotechnology. His research is evidenced by his publications in journals of international repute like AoB Plants, Frontiers in Plant Science, Plants, Plos One, 3 Biotech, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution etc. He has more than 40 research publications with more than 250 citations including the chapters in the books published from Elsevier and CRC Press Ltd. He is on editorial and review board of different reputed journals such as Plos One, Journal of Applied Genetics and Scientific Reports. The research interests of Dr. Khan include biochemical and molecular changes in crop plants especially wheat under different biotic and abiotic stress conditions. He is also interested in looking for the role of nanoparticles in regulating different abiotic stresses in plants. He has also been involved in different wheat fertilization programs in response to different abiotic stress growth conditions. Dr. Anamika Pandey is currently working in the capacity of Assistant Professor at Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Selcuk University, Turkey. She is also handling a 1001 national project funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) related to the determination of novel genes regulating boron toxicity tolerance in some of the Poaceae family species including wild wheat. She earned her PhD degree in biotechnology from India. Her current research focuses on identifying the novel genes and transcriptional factors in wild wheat species that are responsible for making them tolerant towards different biotic and abiotic stress conditions. With a research experience of 14 years in plant molecular biology, she has published several articles in SCI indexed journals and is in the editorial and reviewer board of different reputed journals such as PLOS Sustainability and Transformation, BMC Plant Biology etc. Dr. Mehmet Hamurcu is Full Professor at Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition at Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey and also designated as the Director of Konya Teknokent. He is working at Selcuk University since last 24 years and with more than 60 research publications, he has been coordinator of 5 TUBITAK, 1 Boren and 9 Selcuk University based projects. He has been member of Chamber of Agricultural Engineers and Turkish Biotechnology Association. He has guided several students and has an expertise in plant physiology with focus on mechanism of free radicals and antioxidants in plants, physiological adaptations and defense mechanisms in plants under biotic and abiotic stress conditions, different farming systems and hydroponic system. Due to his outstanding meritorious profile, Dr. Gupta has the distinction of receiving numerous honours, fellowships and awards in recognition to his excellent academic and research contributions. He has been bestowed with Jawahar Lal Nehru Award for outstanding Doctoral thesis by ICAR, University Silver Medal, Aspee Gold Medal and Dr. Kirtikar Memorial Gold Medal during his Bachelor degree programme. Dr. Gupta has published many original research and review papers in peer reviewed international journals. He presented his research papers in several national and international symposia/ workshops/ conferences. He is also editorial board members and reviewers of many international journals. Currently he is working on identification and characterization of Fe/Zn responsive transporters genes in wheat using NGS approach and in vitro bioavailability analysis of micronutrients such as Fe and Zn in wheat grains. Dr. Sait Gezgin is Full Professor and the Head of the Department of Soil science and Plant Nutrition, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey. Presently, he is also holding the position of Director of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. With more than 37 years of working experience at Selcuk University, he served at different academic and administrative positions. He published more than 180 articles in different national and international journals and gained more than 1650 citations and an h-index of 19. He has been project coordinator of around 19 different projects of national repute funded by TUBITAK, DPT, TAGEM and Selcuk University. He has vast research experience in soil management and plant nutrition based strategies. He has also been involved in different wheat fertilization programs in response to different abiotic stress growth conditions