Cyber-Physical Systems
6 contributors - Paperback
Dr. Ramesh Chandra Poonia is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India. Recently completed his Postdoctoral Fellowship from CPS Lab, Department of ICT and Natural Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Ålesund, Norway. He has received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Banasthali University, Banasthali, India in July 2013. His research interests are Cyber-Physical Systems, Network Protocol Evaluation and Artificial Intelligence. He is Chief Editor of TARU Journal of Sustainable Technologies and Computing (TJSTC) and Associate Editor of the Journal of Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Elsevier. He also serves in the editorial boards of a few international journals. He is main author and co-author of 06 books and an editor of more than 25 special issue of journals and books including Springer, CRC Press – Taylor and Francis, IGI Global and Elsevier, edited books and Springer conference proceedings and has authored/co-authored over 65 research publications in peer-reviewed reputed journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. Dr. Basant Agarwal works as an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Information Technology Kota (IIIT-Kota), India, which is an Institute of National Importance. He holds a Ph.D. and M.Tech. from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India. He has more than 9 years of experience in research and teaching. He has worked as a Postdoc Research Fellow at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway, under the prestigious ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) fellowship in 2016. He has also worked as a Research Scientist at Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore. His research interest include Artificial Intelligence, Cyber physical systems, Text mining, Natural Language Processing, Machine learning, Deep learning, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems and related areas. Dr. Sandeep Kumar is currently an Associate Professor at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bangalore and a Part-time Post-Doctoral research fellow at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University Saudi Arabia. Before joining CHRIST, he has worked with ACEIT Jaipur, Jagannath University Jaipur, and Amity University Rajasthan. He is an associate editor for the Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS) journal published by Springer. He has published more than sixty research papers in various international journals/conferences and attended several national and international conferences and workshops. He has authored/edited five books in the area of computer science. His research interests include nature-inspired algorithms, swarm intelligence, soft computing, and computational intelligence Dr. Mohammad S. Khan (SM’ 19) is currently an Assistant Professor of Computing at East Tennessee State University and the director of Network Science and Analysis Lab (NSAL). He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Computer Engineering from the University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, in 2011 and 2013, respectively. His primary area of research is in ad-hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, network tomography, connected vehicles, and vehicular social networks. He currently serves as an associate editor of IEEE Access, IET ITS, IET WSS, Springer’s Telecommunication Systems and Neural Computing and Applications. He has been on technical program committees of various international conferences and technical reviewer of various international journals in his field. He is a senior member of IEEE. Gonçalo Marques holds a PhD in Computer Science Engineering and is member of the Portuguese Engineering Association (Ordem dos Engenheiros). He is currently working as Assistant Professor lecturing courses on programming, multimedia and database systems. His current research interests include Internet of Things, Enhanced Living Environments, machine learning, e-health, telemedicine, medical and healthcare systems, indoor air quality monitoring and assessment, and wireless sensor networks. He has more than 80 publications in international journals and conferences, is a frequent reviewer of journals and international conferences and is also involved in several edited books projects. Dr. Janmenjoy Nayak is working as an Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Maharaja Sriram Chandra BhanjaDeo University, Baripada, Odisha, India. Being two times Gold Medallist in Computer Science in his career, he has been awarded with INSPIRE Research Fellowship from Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India (both as JRF and SRF level) and Best researcher award from Jawaharlal Nehru University of Technology, Kakinada, AP for the AY: 2018-19 and many other awards from national and international academic agencies. He has edited 21 books and 8 Special Issues on the applications of Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing, and pattern recognition, published by Springer, Inderscience International publications. He has published more than 170+ referred articles in various book chapters, conferences and International repute peer reviewed journals of Elsevier, Inderscience, Springer, IEEE etc. He is serving as Associate editor of IEEE ACCESS journal and reviewer for over 100 well-reputed journals and conferences, from IEEE, ACM, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley, and Inderscience publishers. He has a total twelve years of experience in both teaching and research. He is the senior member of IEEE and life member of some of the reputed societies like Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS), CSI India, Orissa Information Technology Society (OITS), Orissa Mathematical Society (OMS), IAENG (Hongkong) etc. He has successfully conducted and is being associated with 14 International repute series conferences like ICCIDM, HIS, ARIAM, CIPR, SCDA etc. His area of interest includes data mining, nature inspired algorithms and Applied Artificial Intelligence.