Mohamed Rela Editor

Professor Mohamed Rela is an acclaimed liver transplant surgeon with over 25 years' experience in the field. He has been a Consultant Surgeon and Professor of Liver Surgery at Kings College Hospital, London, UK since 1993 and has been working in India since 2009. He now runs the busiest liver transplantation program in South India, performing over 250 liver transplants each year. Professor Rela has authored over 500 peer-reviewed publications and a number of book chapters including a chapter in the latest edition of Gray's Anatomy. In 2011 he started the annual Master Class in Liver Disease series which is now one of the most popular academic events in South Asia, regularly attended by over 1000 delegates across the world. He is the President-Elect of the International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS). Professor Pierre-Alain Clavien is a world-renowned surgeon and researcher. Since 2001 he has led the Department of Surgery at the University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland, and leads the liver research group of the Wyss Institute. He was the first surgeon to receive the most prestigious Swiss scientific prize, Otto Naegeli, for his work on liver transplantation. He developed a classification of complications that holds his name, which is used worldwide as the standard reporting for postoperative morbidity. He has organized several international consensus conferences using an independent jury on liver surgery and innovation including one on 'how to select chair of medicine' which has had worldwide impact on academic medicine. Finally, he was a major player in the Oxford Balliol consortium, which defined the IDEAL framework assessing surgical innovations. In 2020 he was elected as an active member of the National Academy of Medicine of the United States of America.