Mohamed Mliless Author & Editor

Dr. Mohamed Mliless holds a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics. His scholarly endeavors are centered on environmental discourse and ecolinguistics. His profound insights and innovative research in this field have led to the publication of several influential books, articles, and book chapters. Moreover, he has been a pivotal presence in various high-profile conferences, where he shares his expertise and collaborates with fellow researchers to advance the discourse in environmental linguistics.

Dr. Mohammed Larouz is the Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities of Meknes and Vice-President of Academic Affairs at Moulay Ismail University of Meknes. He earned a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Fez University in 2004 and has worked as a Professor in the Department of English Studies since 2005. Dr. Larouz also holds an MA in Applied Linguistics from Essex University and has been a Fulbright Scholar to the USA twice. He has research interests in TEFL, sociolinguistics, research methodology, and communication. 

Prof. Diego Luis Forte is a professor in Linguistics and Social Semiotics and a researcher in the National Library of Argentina. He has taught courses at the University of Buenos Aires and teaches postgraduate courses on multimodality at the University of La Serena in Chile. His main lines of work involve faces and music in Systemic-Functional Multimodality, Social Semiotics, Ecolinguistics, and the discursive construction of speciesism in Argentina. 

Dr. Huda Fadhil Halawachy is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Mosul in Iraq. She was awarded her Ph.D. in English Language and Linguistics in 2008 for her dissertation on avoidance in language production. Huda has supervised Master Theses and published research papers and serves as a peer reviewer for Scopus-indexed journals. She has participated in national and international conferences and is a member of ecolinguistics associations. 

Dr. Handoko Handoko is a lecturer and researcher at Andalas University in Indonesia. His research interests include psycholinguistics, discourse analysis, ecolinguistics, corpus linguistics, and language teaching. He has published several books on teaching and technology. Handoko is a member of the Linguistics Society of Indonesia and the International Ecolinguistics Association (IEA) and serves as managing editor of the ARBITRER journal at Andalas University. 

Dr. Clara D.S Vande-Guma holds a PhD in Linguistic Stylistics and her fields of interest are Discourse Analysis and Applied Linguistics. She works as a senior lecturer at Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University in Makurdi, Nigeria. Dr. Clara has conducted many articles on the application of Systemic-Functional Linguistics to indigenous genres, political discourse, academic writing, and environmental discourses in Nigeria among others.