Mo Bradley Author

Mark Hume is an award-winning environmental journalist and author of four books, including the acclaimed River of the Angry Moon. He was formerly a national correspondent and columnist with the Globe and Mail, BC bureau chief for the National Post, and a senior correspondent with the Vancouver Sun. Based in Vancouver, he has fly fished in British Columbia for fifty years.

Mo Bradley is a master angler who has taught fly-tying courses to thousands of fishers. He lives in Kamloops, BC, and in 2012 was inducted into the Kamloops Sports Hall of Fame.

Claire Hume is a fly fisher, writer, and the Green caucus Senior Policy Advisor at the BC legislature. She holds a master’s from the University of Cambridge and lives in Victoria, BC.

Nana Cook is an artist who casts a long, elegant line and whose whoops of joy can often be heard echoing over the trout lakes of the Kamloops region. She lives in Nanoose Bay, BC.