Humor 101
Mitch Earleywine - Paperback
Mitch Earleywine, PhD, is Associate Professor ofClinical Psychology at the University at Albany,State University of New York, where he teachesdrugs and human behavior, substance abusetreatment and clinical research methods. He hasreceived 10 teaching commendations, includingthe coveted General Education Teaching Awardfrom the University of Southern California. Hisresearch funding has come from the NationalInstitute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, theAlcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation,and the Marijuana Policy Project. He serves on theeditorial boards of four psychology journals,reviews for over a dozen, and has more than 80publications on drug use and abuse, including"Understanding Marijuana" (Oxford UniversityPress, 2002). He serves on the advisory board forthe National Organization for the Reform ofMarijuana Laws, and is a member of the ResearchSociety on Alcoholism, the Association for theAdvancement of Behavior Therapy, and the DrugPolicy Alliance.