Miquel Martín-Casals Editor

Miquel Martin-Casals is Professor Civil Law at the University of Girona (Spain) since 1993. Previously he was Assistant Professor of Civil Law (University of Barcelona, 1980) and Associate Professor of Civil Law (Autonomous University of Barcelona 1986).He obtained a law degree (1978) and a doctorate (1984) at the University of Barcelona.He is member of several legal societies and groups (European Group on Tort Law (EGTL), the American Law Institute (ALI), the Groupe de recherche europen de la responsabilit civile et assurance (GRERCA), International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL/AIDC), etc. ) and he is currently chairperson of the Legal Group of the Spanish Interministerial Follow-Up Commission for the 2015 Act on the reform of the compensation system for death and personal injury resulting from road traffic accidents ('baremo').