Codes And Modular Forms: A Dictionary
4 authors - Hardback
Minjia Shi is an Associate Professor of Mathematics in the School of Mathematical Sciences of Anhui University since 2012, P. R. China. He is the author of more than 60 journal papers and one book. He is interested in algebraic coding, cryptography and related fields. Adel Alahmadi is Associate Professor of Mathematics at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He is interested in algebraic geometry and ring theory. Patrick Sole (Research Professor at Centre National de la Recherche Scientique). Sole received the Ingenieur and the Docteur Ingenieur degrees from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Paris, France in 1984 and 1987, respectively, and the Habilitation Diriger des Recherches degree from Universite de Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France, in 1993. He has held visiting positions at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, during 1987-1989, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, during 1994-1996, and at Universite des Sciences et Techniques de Lille, Lille, France, during 1999-2000. He has been a permanent member of Centre National de la Recherche Scientique since 1989, and with the rank of research professor (Directeur de Recherche) since 1996. His research interests include coding theory (covering radius, codes over rings, geometric codes, quantum codes), interconnection networks (graph spectra, expanders), space time codes (lattices, theta series), and cryptography (Boolean functions). He is the author of more than a hundred and forty journal papers, and two books.