Mingfang Du Author

Mingfang Du, Ph.D. in control science and engineering is an associate professor, and a graduate supervisor at Center of Information Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing. He is also an expert member of the Beacon Committee of the Ministry of Housing and Construction, an expert member of the Chinese Society of Automation and the Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence, an expert member of the Urban Infrastructure Branch of the China Standardization Association, and an expert member of the China Engineering Construction Standardization Association, Young and Middle-aged Backbone Teachers in Beijing. For more than 10 years, he has devoted himself to the theoretical research and practical exploration in the fields of artificial intelligence, industrial automation, intelligent city, intelligent building, automatic driving, rail transit, data science, information standard, digital economy, and so on. He has worked as the R & D engineer of Industrial Software and Intelligent Hardware, a senior consultant of Smart City, etc. He is the author of intelligent building system integration (undergraduate and graduate textbook), modern control technology, components and systems (translation), unmanned car technology, and intelligent building: The transition and development of architecture in the intelligent + era, AI + new smart city theory, technology and practice, digital twin city: Research on smart governance of cities in the new infrastructure era.