Paradoxes of Peace in Nineteenth Century Europe
2 contributors - Hardback
Thomas Hippler is Associate Professor at the Institute for Political Studies (Sciences Po) at the University of Lyon, France. He studied History, Philosophy, and Music in Berlin, Paris, Florence, and Berkeley. He is senior research associate on the Oxford programme 'The Changing Character of War'. Miloš Vec is a jurist and Chair of European legal and constitutional history at the University of Vienna. He was a group leader at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt am Main, and he has held teaching positions at the universities of Bonn, Tübingen, and Constance. He was co-director with Thomas Hippler of Paradoxes of Peace in 19th Century Europe, a project group at the University of Helsinki. He specializes in the history of international law, particularly in the 19th century.