milie Filion-Donato Editor & Translator

Laurent Bove is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at Universit de Picardie Jules-Verne. He is a member of l'Institut d'Histoire des Repr sentations et des Id es dans les Modernit s l' cole Normale Sup rieure de Lyon and President of l'association des ami.e.s de Spinoza. He is the author of La Strategie du conatus (Vrin, 1996; 2nd edition 2012) which was translated into Italian in 2002 and in Spanish in 2009. His other books include Albert Camus. De l'absurde l'amour (1995), Albert Camus: de la transfiguration (2014), Vauvenargues ou le S ditieux (2015). He is the editor of a French translation of Spinoza's Political Treatise (2002). He is the general editor of The Complete Works of Vauvenargues.Hasana Sharp is Associate Professor of Philosophy at McGill University. She is author of Spinoza and the Politics of Renaturalization, among other works. milie Filion-Donato is a McGill Philosophy graduate, Translator, Programmer, and Spinoza enthusiast. milie Filion-Donato is a McGill Philosophy graduate, Translator, Programmer, and Spinoza enthusiast.