Milena Meier Editor

Mira Sack (Dr. phil.) is a theatre pedagogue and educational scientist who works as a professor at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste and is co-editor of the journal for theatre pedagogy. She wrote her doctoral thesis at Universität der Künste Berlin on the subject of rehearsal strategies in theatre education. Together with Ulrike Hatzer, she founded the international network PAC (Performing Arts in Contexts) in 2021. Milena Meier (M.A.) is a lecturer in theater pedagogy at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste and guest lecturer in teacher education at Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz. She is head of the CAS »Theater: vermitteln und bilden« and coordinator of the minor program »Inclusion in Education and the Arts«. Her focus is on theater pedagogical-artistic mediation, didactic-artistic procedures with »disturbances« in teaching-learning relationships, and dialogical practice. Andreas Bürgisser (M.A.) is a research assistant in theater pedagogy at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. He investigates the educational potentials in the field of theater and school for all participants and is interested in the new practices that emerge in the process. He was co-organizer of the first annual meeting of PAC 2022 Zurich.