Mike Schnelle Editor

Dr Silke Müth is a classical archaeologist. She did her PhD at the Free University of Berlin on the topography and town planning of ancient Messene and was as a lecturer there for five years, doing research on doing research on the city walls of Messene and Zeugma. Currently she is working on the symbolic functions of Greek and Roman fortifications as a research fellow at the German Archaeological Institute at Athens with funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Further research interests include Greek and Roman urbanism and interdisciplinary approaches between archaeology and ancient history. Mike Schnelle is a Bauforscher specialized in archaeology. Mr Schnelle has got extensive experience as a field archaeologist and is working on a PhD focussed on the Sabaean fortifications of the cities of Sirwah and Marib in Yemen. Since 2012 he is research associate at the Sanaa Branch of the German Archaeological Institute and he is currently involved in several projects of the Branch in Sirwah, Marib and Tan'im in Yemen and Yeha and Hawelti in Ethiopia. Peter D. De Staebler is a classical archaeologist and architectural historian, with field experience in Turkey, Italy, and Greece. He completed his PhD at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, on the city wall of Aphrodisiais in Turkey, and was assistant director of the Aphrodisias Regional Survey Project. He has worked as a curator and teacher and presently is Visiting Assistant Professor at the Pratt Institute School of Architecture, in the Programs for Sustainable Planning and Development. Additional research interests include the use of spolia, monolithic columns, the display and interpretation of antiquity.