Mike Grill Author

Michael Wm. Marks, PhD, ABPP, is currently a professor of practice in psychology anddirector of the Supportive Education for Returning Veterans program at the University of Arizona. He is also executive director of One Tree Learning Institute. Previously he served as lead psychologist and evidence-based practices coordinator at the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System. Dr. Marks has functioned as the PTSD outpatient clinic team leader and as a PTSD mentor for VA Hospitals across Arizona, New Mexico, and West Texas. Dr. Marks was cofounder of Vietnam Veterans of Montana and has received the Disabled Americans Veterans Humanitarian Award. He was selected as the 2012 “Outstanding Clinician of the Year” by the American Psychological Association’s Division 18, VA Section. He is also codeveloper of the nationally recognized Supportive Education for Returning Veterans (SERV) program,which is a cohort-based curriculum designed to help veterans transition from military to academic life. The SERV curriculum has been cited by the Department ofVeterans Affairs (VA OIG) as a best practice and is part of the VA’s Strong Practices Project. Dr. Marks has coauthored numerous books and articles and presented nationally on resilience and post-traumatic growth. He and his colleagues at One Tree Learning Institute provide resilience training to members across the healthcare and public service communities. Dr. Marks has dedicated his career to working with trauma survivors, both military and civilian, adults and children, for the last 44 years.

Philip E. Callahan, PhD, EMTP, has served as assistant director of the Division of Academic Resources, Arizona Health Sciences Center (AHSC), University of Arizona associate professor and program coordinator, educational psychology, University of Arizona South; associate professor of veterans education, College of Agricultureand Life Sciences, University of Arizona; and is currently emeritus professor, Universityof Arizona. He has developed server-based test diagnostic application software (CatTrax) to help educators identify and intervene with at-risk students and has spent his professional career assisting faculty in improving the retention and graduationof their students. Dr. Callahan has written and presented nationally on issues related to academic success among student veterans. Along with his academic career he also served southern Arizona as a paramedic and firefighter. In 2013, Dr. Callahan was named one of the Top 10 Innovators in Emergency Medical Services. He currently serves as director of research and development for One Tree Learning Institute and Resilient Hacks.

Mike Grill, MS, NR EMTP, is the EMS regional program director for Centura Health’s South Denver EMS team in Denver, Colorado. He has been active in fire/EMS since 1985 and has authored numerous articles for EMS and fire trade journals. Mike has coauthored two textbooks Fire Service First Responder and First Response Resiliency and has presented at more than 200 fire/EMS conferences in both the United States and Canada.