Miikka Tamminen Editor

Christian Krötzl is Professor of Medieval History at the Tampere University, Finland. His research and publications have focused on everyday life, communication, parent-child relations, pilgrimages, miracles, missionary politics and student networks. He has edited, with Katariina Mustakallio, On Old Age. Approaching Death in Antiquity and the Middle Ages (2011), as well as De Amicitia. Friendship and Social Networks in Antiquity and the Middle Ages (2010).

Katariina Mustakallio is Senior Lecturer of History in the Department of History, Philosophy and Literary Studies at the Tampere University, Finland. She is also Adjunct Professor of Ancient History at the universities of Tampere and Turku. She has been Director of the Institutum Romanum Finlandiae in Rome (2009–13). Her research interests range from the early historiography of Rome to life course studies and from the lived religion to the material life and resilience in ancient port city of Rome, Ostia. For recent publications, see https://researchportal.tuni.fi/en/publications/

Miikka Tamminen is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Tampere University, Finland, where he obtained his PhD in 2013. His current research interests include the crusades, the crusade ideology and sermons, as well as the ‘just war’ tradition, and the monstrous races of the Middle Ages. His publications include Crusade Preaching and the Ideal Crusader (2018), and the co-edited book, with Christian Krötzl, Changing Minds. Communication and Influence in the High and Later Middle Ages (2013).