The EU Antitrust Damages Directive
3 contributors - Hardback
Professor Barry Rodger has been an academic at Strathclyde University Law School since 1993 and has been a Professor there since 2001. Professor Rodger has published widely in competition law (and international private law), and many of his recent publications have focused on private enforcement of competition law. Professor Rodger is the Secretary and co-organiser of the Competition Law Scholars' Forum (www.clasf.org) and co-editor of the Competition Law Review, and is on the organizing committee of the Scottish Competition Law Forum. Professor Miguel Sousa Ferro is a Professor at the Lisbon University Law School, where he obtained his law degree and PhD, and at the European University (Lisbon, Laureate Group). He specialises in EU Law, Competition Law and Regulatory Law. He also holds an LL.M in European Law from the College of Europe, Bruges. He is Counsel at Eduardo Paz Ferreira & Associados and is co-Director of the Portuguese Competition & Regulation Journal (Revista de Concorrência & Regulação). Professor Francisco Marcos is a law and economics scholar with more than 10 years' professional experience in research and advisory work on competition law and policy (both in the private sector and as former head of an investigation unit in a competition agency). Since 2003 he has been a Professor of Law at IE Law School, Madrid. He has also been Acting Director of the Vasque Competition Authority's Investigation Unit on two cases (Sep 2015, May 2016). He has been a consultant with several missions in developing countries in the Andean region (Ecuador, 2005 and 2006; Peru, 2007; Bolivia, 2016), in Central America (Guatemala, 2014; El Salvador, 2009), in Africa (EAC-Uganda, 2013; Zambia, 2012), as well as in other regions (Romania, 2012; Armenia 2013; Jordan, 2006; Mexico, 2014), rendering advice to governments (under contract by WB-IFC 2012-15, and European Commission, 2005, 2006, and 2014), and to private firms concerning the enactment, implementation, and enforcement of competition policy.