Miguel Gouveia Author

Miguel Gouveia was born in Santo Tirso, Portugal. He started telling stories as a teacher in 2001, and seven years later, he created Brua Editora. In 2010, after finishing his Master's Degree in Books and Children's Literature at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, he left teaching to devote himself to publishing, translation and music. Since then, he has been storytelling in libraries, bookshops, schools and at festivals, with a repertoire made out of the oral tradition of different cultures. Raquel Catalina was born in Madrid in 1973, where she studied Fine Arts. Her career as an illustrator started in 2010, after moving to Valencia where she studied a postgraduate degree in illustration at Spain's ESAT (Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnologia). Since then, she has worked as a children's illustrator for prestigious publishers. Her work has been exhibited in Spain, Portugal and Mexico. Her portfolio can be seen at www.raquelcatalina.com