Miguel Gómez Author & Editor

Miguel Gómez (Edited By)
Miguel Gómez is Lecturer in History at the University of Dayton, and is finishing a manuscript on the crusade of Las Navas de Tolosa. His articles have appeared in the Anuario de la Historia de la Iglesia, and in 2012 he edited a special volume of the Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies about the campaign of Las Navas de Tolosa.
Kyle C. Lincoln (Edited By)
Kyle C. Lincoln is Visiting Assistant Professor at Kalamazoo College. His articles have appeared in the Anuario de la Historia de la Iglesia and the Revista Chilena de Estudios Medeivales. His doctoral thesis investigated the Church in the Kingdom of Castile during the reign of Alfonso VIII of Castile.
Damian J. Smith (Edited By)
Damian J. Smith is Professor of History at Saint Louis University. His works include Innocent III and the Crown of Aragon (Aldershot, 2004), Crusade, Heresy, and Inquisition in the Lands of the Crown of Aragon (Leiden, 2010), and the English-language translation, with Helena Buff ery, of the Llibre dels Feits of James I of Aragon (Aldershot, 2003).