Bacterial NanoCellulose
3 contributors - Hardback
Miguel Gama received his Ph.D. in Biological Engineering at Minho University, in Portugal. He is currently Associate Professor with Habilitation at Minho University, where he directs the FUNCARB - FUNctional CARBohydrates Nanobiotechnology Group, a research group with about 20 researchers integrating the Centre of Biological Engineering (CEB) of UM. He has authored/edited 4 books, about 120 papers, and 2 patents. His research interests include enzyme technology, enzymatic degradation of biomass, and the development of biomaterials, with particular interest in bacterial nanocellulose, self-assembled amphiphilic nanogels and injectable hydrogels, aiming the development of applications for tissue regeneration and drug delivery. Recently Miguel Gama co-founded BCTECHNOLOGIES, L.Da, a start-up company that uses its integrated R&D capabilities, to provide scientific and technological solutions for the food and biomedical industry, based on the use of BNC; he is also the co-founder of SATISFIBRE, S.A., an emerging company engaged in the large-scale production of BNC, primarily for food applications. Fernando Dourado is a post-doc researcher at the Centre of Biological Engineering, from the University of Minho (UM). With a Ph.D. in Chemical and Biological Engineering he is also a member of the FUNCARB - FUNctional CARBohydrates Nanobiotechnology Group, integrating the Centre of Biological Engineering (CEB) of UM. He has been working on the production of bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) for biotechnological and biomedical applications. These activities include the production of BNC composite films and the surface modification of BNC nanofibers. In parallel he has been working on the development of a large-scale BNC production system. Recently Fernando Dourado co-founded BCTECHNOLOGIES, L.Da, a start-up company that uses its integrated R&D capabilities, to provide scientific and technological solutions for the food and biomedical industry, based on the use of BNC; he is also the co-founder, shareholder, and member of the board of administration of SATISFIBRE, S.A., an emerging company engaged in the large-scale production of BNC, primarily for food applications. Stanislaw Bielecki is a full professor at the Institute of Technical Biochemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland; he a specialist in the field of biotechnology, biocatalysis and biomaterials. His present scientific interest is focused on enzyme engineering and molecular control (-omics) of bacterial nanocellulose biosynthesis and its natural modification and application. He is the author of over 200 publications and 57 patent applications, including 46 approved patents, and his know-how and patents on bacterial nanocellulose production developed in his group led to commercialized production of nanocellulose and wound dressing (“Cellmat). The team headed by Prof. Bielecki consists of researchers from various fields such as biochemistry, medical biology, microbiology, bioinformatics and genetic engineering. He is a Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Section on Applied Biocatalysis, European Federation of Biotechnology, previous chairman and member of the Committee of Biotechnology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Active in many national and international platforms for development of industrial biotechnology, he is also coordinator of the Polish Technological Platform for Bioeconomy. Rector of Lodz University of Technology, and a founder of BTL LTD Company, Lodz, Poland.