Mieso K Denko Editor

Mieso K. Denko received his MSc degree from the University of Wales, U.K., and his PhD degree from the University of Natal, South Africa, both in Computer Science. He is a founding Director of the Pervasive and Wireless Networking Research Lab in the Department of Computing and Information Science, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Dr. Denko's research interests include wireless networks, mobile and pervasive computing, wireless mesh networks, wireless sensor networks and network security. His research results in these areas have been published international journals, conferences and contributed to books. Dr Denko is a founder/co-founder of a number of ongoing international workshops and symposia. He has served on several international conferences and workshops as general vice-chair, program co-chair/vice-chair, publicity chair and technical program committee member. He has guest co-edited several journal Special Issues in Springer, Wiley, Elsevier and other journals.

Most recently he guest co-edited journal special issues in ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) and IEEE Systems Journal (ISJ). Dr Denko has edited/co-edited multiple books in the areas of pervasive and mobile computing, wireless networks and autonomic networks. Most recently he co-edited two books Wireless Quality of Service: Techniques, Standards, and Applications published by Auerbach Publications, September 2008 and Autonomic Computing and Networking published by Springer in June 2009. He is Associate Editor of international journals including the International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley), the Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer), and Security and Communication Networks Journal (Wiley). Dr Denko is a senior member of the ACM and IEEE, and the Vice Chair of IFIP WG 6.9.