Mickey Herskowitz Author

Robert Davant, who resides in Brenham, Texas, is a descendant of Captain Richard Grimes, who owned and commanded sailing ships trading principally in the West Indies, Europe, and the Caribbean, later transporting gunpowder and other support to the men fi ghting for Texas Independence. An att orney, oilman, and rancher, he has founded and chaired two oil companies and currently heads a Texas corporation with landholdings in Galveston and Brazoria Counties.

Mickey Herskowitz, of Houston, is the author or co-author of 65 books, including best sellers with Bett e Davis, Mickey Mantle, Dan Rather, and others. He is a Hall of Fame sports columnist and one of two Texans to ever win the National Headliners Award for excellence in sports writing. For six years he held the Warner Chair of Journalism at Sam Houston State University.