Mick de Ruyter Author

Richard Harding is Professor Emeritus at the University of Westminster. His research specialisms are amphibious operations and naval leadership. He is the author of Seapower and Naval Warfare, 1650-1850 (1999), The Emergence of Britain’s Global Naval Supremacy (2010) and Modern Naval History: Debates and Prospects (2016).

Ross Anderson is Curator in the Western Australian Museum’s Department of Maritime Heritage. His archaeological research interests include cross-cultural contact, borders, and conflict. He is a contributing author to From Great Depths: The wrecks of HMAS Sydney (II) and HSK Kormoran.

Mick de Ruyter is Lecturer in Archaeology at Flinders University and a Royal Australian Navy hydrographic surveyor. With interests in fighting craft and underwater military heritage, he is lead author on Moluccan fighting craft on Australian shores: Contact rock art from Awunbarna, Arnhem Land (2023).