Michel Henry Bouchet Author

Michel Henry Bouchet is currently Distinguished Finance Professor at SKEMA Business School as well as strategy adviser. He has held senior positions at BNP, the World Bank, and the Institute of International Finance. He also served as CEO of Owen Stanley Financial SA. and as senior adviser for ING Barings. Bouchet graduated in Economics from the University of Paris X and from the Paris Institut d’Etudes Politiques. He also holds a Master and Ph.D. in International Relations from University of South Carolina. He received his HDR from University Paris-Dauphine.

Charles A. Fishkin has held senior positions across the spectrum of financial services, spanning a career of 30 plus years. He led the first agency wide risk management program at the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, serving as the Director of the Office of Risk Assessment. He is the author of The Shape of Risk: A New Look at Risk Management (Palgrave 2006). He is an adjunct faculty in the Masters Program in Financial Engineering at Bernard M. Baruch College of The City University of New York. He has a BA in Economics, with General Honors, from The University of Chicago.

Amaury Goguel is the scientific Director for the MSc Financial Management and Investment (FMI) program at SKEMA Business School in Paris. He was previously head of SKEMA’s MSc in Corporate Financial Management (CFM). Goguel holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Lille University. He also holds master’s degrees from the College of Europe (Bruges), Paris 1 Sorbonne, and Complutense University of Madrid. He served as a consultant on global finance, European affairs, and political parties.