Crisis and Politicisation
3 contributors - Hardback
Elena Korosteleva is Professor of International Politics, and Director (Professional Studies) of the Global Europe Centre, University of Kent. She is the author and editor of a number of books and special issues, with the focus on democratisation and EU foreign policies. Her recent work, The EU and its Eastern Neighbours: towards a more ambitious partnership? (Routledge 2012) is a result of her large ESRC-funded project 'Europeanising or Securitising the Outsiders? Assessing the EU's partnership-building approach with Eastern Europe' (RES-061-25-0001). Dr Michal Natorski is Senior Research Fellow at the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair, College of Europe, Natolin Campus. His articles were published in Journal of European Public Policy, Cooperation and Conflict, East European Politics, Journal of Contemporary European Research, European Political Economy Review, and Journal of Constitutional Law in Eastern and Central Europe. His research focuses on various aspects of EU foreign policy. Dr Licínia Simão is Assistant Professor in International Relations at the School of Economics, University of Coimbra. Her main research interests include foreign policy analysis, and security studies, with a focus on European foreign policy and the former-Soviet space (Russia, Caucasus and Central Asia). She has published widely on these topics including on Communist and Post-Communist Studies, East European Politics, and the Journal of Contemporary European Studies.