Michail Giannakos Author & Editor

Michail Giannakos is Professor of Interaction Design and Learning Technologies at the Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and Head of the Learner-Computer Interaction Lab. His research focuses on the design and study of emerging technologies in online and hybrid education settings, and their connections to student and instructor experiences and practices. Giannakos has co-authored more than 150 articles published in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, including Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behavior, Behaviour & Information Technology to mention few, and has served as an evaluator for the EC and the US-NSF. He has served/serves in various organization committees, program committees as well as editor and guest editor on highly recognized journals. He has worked at several research projects funded by diverse sources like the EC, Microsoft Research, The Research Council of Norway, US-NSF, the German agency for International Academic Cooperation (DAAD) and Cheng Endowment; Giannakos is also a recipient of a Marie Curie/ERCIM fellowship, the Norwegian Young Research Talent award and he is one of the outstanding academic fellows of NTNU (2017-2021).