Michael T Motley Editor

Michael T. Motley (Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University; M.A. & B.A., University of Texas) conducts research concerned with the interpersonal tactics and message strategies that individuals use in the context of problematic social interactions (for example, sexual harassment, unrequited romance, sexual aggres­siveness/date rape, and disclosures concerning sexually transmitted diseases). Motley is best known for his work on laboratory-induced slips of the tongue (e.g., Freudian slips) as indicators of cognitive proc­essing in speech. He won the 1987 and 1990 Aubery Fisher Awards for the best article in Western Jour­nal of Communication. In 1987 he was recognized by a special Eastern Communication Association panel as being among the "Top 1%" of the discipline′s scholars in research productivity during the 1980′s. He has been an associate editor for several journals and has held several offices within National Com­munication Association and Western States Communication Association. Motley has taught both graduate and undergraduate level courses concerned with interpersonal message strategies and tactics.