Michael Schmitt Editor

David Williams is a research scientist at the Natural History Museum, London, specialising in diatom systematics-taxonomy. He has published over two hundred journal papers and has written nine books. His research interests include the systematics and biogeography of diatoms and theoretical studies related to cladistics advances. Michael Schmitt is a retired Adjunct Professor of Zoology at Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Germany, and was recently appointed President of the German Society for History and Philosophy of Biology. He is the author of From Taxonomy to Phylogenetics: Life and Work of Willi Hennig (2013), the only biography of Willi Hennig. Quentin Wheeler is President of the ESF State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse. He is the author or editor of six books and currently writes a 'New to Nature' feature in the Guardian. His research interests include the morphology, taxonomy and phylogeny of beetles, systematic biology theory, and the role of taxonomy in biodiversity exploration and conservation.