Critical Marketing
5 authors - Paperback
Michael Saren is Professor of Marketing at Leicester University Management Centre. He has a doctorate from University of Bath and previously held Chairs in Marketing at the Universities of Stirling and Strathclyde. His research covers the marketing of technology, critical marketing, consumer culture and marketing theory. His work has been published in many academic management journals in the UK, Europe and the USA, including the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Omega, British Journal of Management, the Journal of Business Ethics, Service Industries Journal and Industrial Marketing Management. He is a founding editor of the journal Marketing Theory Professor Saren is co-author with David Ford of Marketing and Managing Technology (Thomson Business Press, 2001) and co-editor with Douglas Brownlie, Robin Wensley, and Richard Whittington of Rethinking Marketing, (Sage Publications, 1999). He has been convener of the Marketing Stream at the first four Critical Management Studies International Conferences, 1999-2005 and one of the 'Gang of Six' who ran the ESRC Seminar Series in Critical Marketing. He was Chair of the 7th International Relationship Marketing Colloquium in 1999 and Chair of the 2003 European Marketing Academy Conference Avi Shankar is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Consumer Research in one of the UK's premier schools of management at the University of Bath. His research applies social theory to the analysis of marketing and marketing related phenomenon, studies of tribal forms of consumption and most recently investigations into the management of pleasure in consumer culture. His work has been published in a variety of journals including: European Journal of Marketing; Consumption, Markets and Culture; Marketing Theory and the Journal of Marketing Management.