Ross's Life Discoveries
Michael Ross - Hardback
Arnie Cole (EdD, Pepperdine) is the CEO of Back to the Bible and Director of Research and Development for the Center for Bible Engagement. He has spent much of his professional life tracking trends of human behavior and developing programs that can help change negative behaviors. He and his wife, Char, are the parents of adult children and operate Still Waters Ranch, an equestrian center that serves as a community outreach. The Coles live near Lincoln, Nebraska. Michael Ross is an award-winning journalist and the author, co-author, and collaborator of more than 32 books for Christian families, including the Gold Medallion winner BOOM: A Guy's Guide to Growing Up (Tyndale), and a bestselling parenting guide What Your Son Isn't Telling You (Bethany House). Michael is the former editor of Breakaway, a national magazine for teen guys published by Focus on the Family. Today, he oversees Back to the Bible's book publishing efforts. He and his wife Tiffany live in Lincoln, Nebraska, with their son Christopher.