Michael Patrick Author

Peter Dent is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. He has held various posts at Oxford Brookes University, most recently as the Comerford Climate Change Fellow in the Department of Real Estate and Construction. He has had considerable experience of managing both academic development and research projects both in the UK and overseas. Michael Patrick is a chartered surveyor and has over 30 years experience in the real estate fund management industry in the UK and Canada. He has an MBA from the Cranfield School of Management and is currently lecturing in valuation and investment at Oxford Brookes University. Prior to joining Brookes he had held roles with a number of major fund managers including Henderson, Legal & General, Morgan Grenfell and Grosvenor. Ye Xu is a chartered surveyor and is currently a senior lecturer in the Department of Real Estate and Construction, Oxford Brookes University. With more than ten years’ research and advisory experience in the property industry as well as the academic field, she has gained a wide knowledge of quantitative modelling and property market research. Ye’s recently completed doctoral thesis examined property market performance through both traditional and behavioural theories.