Michael P Wilson Editor & Author

Scott L. Zeller is Vice President for Psychiatry, CEP America and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, Riverside. He has designed and developed emergency psychiatry programs across the USA, and he was a lead author on both the USA and International Best Practices guidelines publications for the treatment and evaluation of agitation. His work to improve care for agitated patients led to him being named the 2015 USA 'Doctor of the Year' by the National Council for Behavioral Health. Kimberly D. Nordstrom is Medical Director, Office of Behavioral Health, State of Colorado and Emergency Psychiatrist, Denver Health Medical Center and Associate Professor at the University of Colorado Department of Psychiatry. She is the Immediate Past President of American Association for Emergency Psychiatry and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. Michael P. Wilson is practicing emergency physician and Director of Emergency Psychiatry Research for the American Association for Emergency Psychiatry, Medical Director of Aeromedevac Air Ambulance, and Director of the Department of Emergency Medicine Behavioral Emergencies Research (DEMBER) lab at the University of California, San Diego.