The Psychology of Entrepreneurship
3 contributors - Hardback
Michael M. Gielnik is Professor of HR Development at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany. His research focuses on entrepreneurship from a psychological perspective, in particular entrepreneurial learning and training. He has taken a special interest in entrepreneurship in developing countries.
Melissa S. Cardon is the Haslam Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA. Her research focuses on unleashing human potential within entrepreneurial firms, including a dual interest in human resources practices that maximize employee potential, and the emotional, relational, and cognitive aspects of entrepreneurs that contribute to optimizing their behavior and performance.
Michael Frese has won many awards and is affiliated with the Asia School of Business (in collaboration with MIT Sloan Management), the Institute of Management and Organization at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany, and the NUS Business School in Singapore (provost chair and former head of department). He bases his research on action theory and has developed the famous personal initiative training for entrepreneurs in developing countries. He was editor of the last version of this important book and counts as one of the founding fathers of psychological approaches to entrepreneurship.