Michael L Naraine Author & Editor

Norm O’Reilly, PhD, MBA, CPA, is dean of the Graduate School of Business at the University of Maine and a professor of sport management in the Maine Business School. A Canadian, Dr. O’Reilly was the founding director of the International Institute for Sport Business and Leadership in the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics at the University of Guelph. He has authored 16 books and more than 150 management journal articles. He was awarded the Distinguished Career Contributions Award by the American Marketing Association’s Sport Marketing Special Interest Group (2015) and is a fellow of the North American Society for Sport Management. O’Reilly was assistant chef de mission (assistant mission leader) for the Canadian team at the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio, Brazil, and has attended four Olympic Games in various capacities with Team Canada.

Benoît Séguin, PhD, is a professor of sport marketing in the School of Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa. His research focuses mainly on sport sponsorship, ambush marketing, brand governance, and topics related to Olympic marketing. In addition to his academic work, Dr. Séguin has extensive experience in the management of Olympic sport organizations, including as marketing director of two national sport associations, past president of Diving Canada, assistant chef de mission (assistant mission leader) for the Canadian team (2003 Pan Am Games, Santo Domingo), and board member for several sport organizations.

Gashaw Abeza, PhD, is a professor at Towson University. Abeza taught graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario) and Southern Methodist University (Dallas, Texas), and he guest lectured at four other universities. He has been an adjunct professor at the University of Guelph since 2019. His main research interest is marketing communications, with his specific area of expertise in digital media. He has researched and written extensively on the topic of social media in sport and is widely published. He is the coauthor of two books and coeditor of one book: Implications and Impacts of Esports on Business and Society (IGI Global), Sport Sponsorship Insights (Routledge), and Social Media in Sport: Theory and Practice (World Scientific). Dr. Abeza serves as an ad hoc reviewer for a number of academic journals. He currently serves on the editorial boards of eight academic journals: International Journal of Sport Communication; Sport, Business, and Management; Journal of Relationship Marketing; International Journal of Esports Research; Journal of Global Sport Management; Sport Marketing Quarterly; International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship; and the newly launched Sport Management Digest.

Michael L. Naraine, PhD, is an assistant professor in the department of sport management at Brock University and is also an honorary adjunct professor at La Trobe University in Victoria, Australia. His primary research interest is the area of digital sport management and marketing, examining the strategy, fan engagement, and analytics related to new developments in the sport business landscape, including social media, esports, business analytics, and artificial intelligence. Naraine is also a research fellow of the North American Society for Sport Management and is the current editor in chief of Case Studies in Sport Management. Additionally, he serves as an editorial board member for Sport Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Sport Communication, and the newly founded Sports Innovation Journal.