Meshfree and Particle Methods
3 authors - Hardback
Ted Belytschko, the former Walter P Murphy and McCormick Institute Professor of Northwestern University,is one of the world’s most renowned researchers in computational mechanics and meshfree methods. He is the originator of the Element-Free Galerkin (EFG) Methods, and his paper Element-Free Galerkin Methods published in 1994 remains the most widely cited paper on the subject.
J. S. Chen isDistinguished Professor and William Prager Chair Professor in the Department of Structural Engineering & Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at The University of California, San Diego. His research interests are in computational solid mechanics and multiscale materials modeling, with focus on meshfree methods and advanced finite element methods.
Michael Hillman a Principal Scientist at Karagozian and Case Inc., and the former L. Robert and Mary L. Kimball Professor and Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University.His research interests are in computational solid mechanics, fundamental advancement of meshfree methods, and enhanced and novel meshfree methods.