Michael Berkowitz Editor & Author

Avinoam J. Patt is the Philip D. Feltman Professor of Modern Jewish History at the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Hartford, where he is also director of the George and Lottie Sherman Museum of Jewish Civilization. He is author of Finding Home and Homeland: Jewish Youth and Zionism in the Aftermath of the Holocaust (Wayne State University Press, 2009). Michael Berkowitz is professor of modern Jewish history at University College London. He is author of The Crime of My Very Existence: Nazism and the Myth of Jewish Criminality; The Jewish Self Image: American and British Perspectives, 1881-1939; Western Jewry and the Zionist Project, 1914-1933; and Zionist Culture and West European Jewry before the First World War. He is also editor or co-editor of three previous volumes, most recently Fighting Back: Jewish and Black Boxers in Britain, with Ruti Ungar.