Michael Barkham Editor & Author

Michael Barkham is Professor of Clinical Psychology andDirector of the Centre for Psychological Services Research at theUniversity of Sheffield. He has published approximately 150scientific papers and 30 book chapters in the fields of clinicalpsychology, counselling, and psychotherapy and has an abidingcommitment to strengthening the paradigm of practice-basedevidence. Gillian E. Hardy is Professor of Clinical Psychology andDirector of the Clinical Psychology Unit and the Doctorate inClinical Psychology training programme at the University ofSheffield. She has published extensively in the field ofpsychotherapy outcome and process research. John Mellor-Clark has been engaged in the evaluation ofUK psychological therapies and counselling for the past 20 years.Through the mid-1990s, he led the development of the CORE System asthe first standardised quality evaluation system in the UK forpsychological therapy. Today this system is used by over 250services and 3,500 clinicians to help measure, monitor, and managetherapy outcomes.