Head and Neck Pathology
Metka Volavšek - Set / collection
Prof. Metka Volavšek MD, PhD, is professor of pathology, working at the Instutite of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana (IP-MF-UL), Ljubljana, Slovenia. Being specialist of pathology since 1993, her professional work is mostly dedicated to pathology of the head and neck, uropathology, gastrointestinal and haematopathology. She is vice president of Slovenian Society of pathology and forensic medicine and president of Expert Council for Pathology and forensic medicine of Slovenian medical society. She is involved in quality assesment of pathology laboratories for Slovenian Ministry of health and in charge of Quality assurance of IP-MF. She has published material for teaching purposes, as well as chapters in 5 books and co-authored at least 100 peer reviewed publications, of them 25 articles cited in Pubmed. Two PhD theses were completed under her supervision and many residents of pathology have benefited from her mentoring and extensive knowledge. In 2013 she has received the National Prof. France Hribar Award® for important contribution to development and reputation of pathology with top-level achievements in profession/ science, as well as the Memorial golden coin of community Ivan?na Gorica, Slovenia, in 2014. In addition to being field editor for Head and Neck Pathology of the Encyclopedia of Pathology, she was Guest editor of the recent special issue on Uropathology in Analytical and Quantitative Cytopathology Histopathology (2015) and member of Editorial boards of Books of abstracts of many international scientific meetings where she had many invited lectures. She has been involved in organization of many international scientific symposia and congresses, principal organizer and Chair of Scientific committee of 44. Prof. Janez Plenik memorial meeting (2013) and 3rd Pannonia Congress of Pathology(2014). She is a member of Advisory board of European Society of Pathology (ESP)since 2013 and in 2015 she was elected as member of the Council of ESP.