Ancient Epic
3 contributors - Hardback
Mercedes Díaz de Cerio Díez is Reader of Greek at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. In addition to her research in Greek linguistics, looking mainly at existential and stative verbs, she has edited, translated and commented on several of Plato’s dialogues – jointly with R. Serrano – and has published various papers in the area of Platonic studies.Concepción Cabrillana is Professor of Latin at the University of Santiago de Compostela. A specialist in Latin syntax, her work has been largely focused in the area of existential and stative predicates, having published a book and a number of papers in this area. She has also translated works of Terence, Tacitus, and Thomas More.Cecilia Criado is Titular Professor at the Department of Latin and Greek, University of Santiago de Compostela. Her main research interest is the Flavian epic, on which she has published several books and papers. She has also worked on textual criticism and on the study of Medieval and Renaissance scientific texts.