2 authors - Hardback
Menno-Jan Kraak is professor of Geovisual Analytics and Cartography at the University of Twente, Faculty of Geoinformation Sciences and Earth Observation / ITC. Currently he is head of ITC’s Geo-Information Processing Department. He is also serving as President of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) for the period 2015-2019. He has written more than 200 publications, among these the book Mapping Time. He is a member of the editorial board of several international journals in the fields of cartography and GIScience.
Ferjan Ormeling retired as honorary professor of Cartography at Utrecht University (where he focused his research on thematic cartography, atlas cartography and toponymy), and now works as a member of the Explokart research group at the University of Amsterdam. He advises on atlas projects on behalf of the International Cartographic Association, and teaches toponymy courses in developing countries for the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names.